Testing out OpenStreetMap stuff

To bring you and I some better maps and to try and prove that this old dog can still learn new tricks, I’ve had a go at using OpenStreetMap via a WordPress plugin of Leaflet, to locate the two recent locations of Ebola virus disease cases in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Clearly, I’m having some trouble with boundaries or paths or whatever they’re called. They’rethe bits that let you define an area instead of a point; this would be ideal for health zones for instance. If anyone with expertise in this I’d be happy and grateful to hear about it in the comments below or via Twitter.

Pinga, Pinga Health Zone, in North Kivu

Mwenga, Mwenga Health Zone, in South Kivu

There are already coordinates for this e.g. here – but I’m unclear on how to get the Word pres plugin Im using here to recognize that path.

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